
Semi-Private Lesson

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $0.00.

Semi-private lessons offer many of the same advantages as private lessons. Participants receive a greater level of personalized instruction than they would in a group setting, and they can customize the lesson based on their goals. Semi-private lessons may be shared with a friend or sibling, or the lesson time can be divided. Lessons are $40 for each participant and last approximately 1 hour.

DISCLAIMER: WARNING! Catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death can result from this activity. The Flip Factory, LLC, a.k.a. The Trick Factory (“The Flip Factory”) and Yosef Yaakov Markowitz are not responsible for any injury (or loss of property) to any person while practicing, training, taking class, competing, participating in open gym, special events, performances, demonstrations or shows, or in any other way involved in gymnastics, acrobatics, parkour, teams, or tricks (the “activity”) at The Flip Factory for any reason whatsoever, including ordinary negligence on the part of The Flip Factory, its members, managers, instructors, coaches, agents, or employees. CONSENT: I consent to my/minor’s participation in the activity and acknowledge that I fully understand my/minor’s participation may involve risk of serious injury, illness, or death, including losses which may result not only from my/minor’s own actions, inactions or negligence, but also from the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the condition of the facilities, equipment, or areas where the activity is being conducted, and/or the rules of play of this type of activity. I understand that The Flip Factory will employ items and activities but not limited to unicycles, giraffe-unicycles, juggling, fire, sharp objects, poi, stilts, slacklining, and magic tricks. I understand that if I have any risk concerns, I shall discuss them completely with the staff before I sign this agreement and before beginning my/minor’s participation in the activity. Knowing and understanding the risks involved with participation in the activity, I hereby voluntarily and willingly assume full and complete responsibility for all losses and damages, including injury, illness, and death, resulting from my/minor’s participation in the activity, including transportation to and from the activity. I agree I am financially responsible for any losses and damages resulting from my/minor’s participation in the activity. I consent to my/minor’s contact information, address, and demographic information being shared for carpool and other purposes. WAIVER: In consideration for my/minor’s participation in the activity, I/we hereby hold harmless and waive all claims or causes of action, including ordinary negligence, against The Flip Factory, its managers and members, and any of their employees, teachers, instructors, coaches, agents, facilities/locations, or landlords arising out of my/minor’s participation in the activity wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur. I understand that this waiver is intended to be as broad and as inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Maryland and agree that if any portion is held invalid, the remainder of the waiver will continue to be binding and in full legal force and effect. I agree that this waiver is in effect for any and all programs/sessions that myself/minor participate in. The Flip Factory is committed to providing the agreed upon services. If services are not rendered, you will receive a refund. I agree that any matters of dispute would be dealt with by the arbitration of the Baltimore Bais Din. I have read this form and fully understand that by consenting to this form, I am giving up legal rights and or remedies which may be available to me/minor for the ordinary negligence of The Flip Factory or any person listed above.
I grant consent for my/minor’s picture to be taken or to be filmed while participating in all activities at The Flip Factory (a.k.a. The Trick Factory). I authorize The Flip Factory to use and publish images, photographs, pictures, portraits, and audio, video and/or film footage of me/minor in all forms of media and in all manner for publication including, but not limited to, advertising and marketing campaigns, press releases, periodicals, social media, and website use. I hereby waive any right I may have to review, inspect, edit or approve such publication and I release The Flip Factory from any claims I may have against it for use of such images, photographs, pictures, portraits, and audio, video and/or film footage of myself/minor.
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